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France has a new law. Students must not wear abaya in schools. Abaya is a long robe. Muslim women wear it.
Some people like the ban. But others worry. They are afraid of problems between groups of people. France does not allow religious symbols since 2004. France already bans headscarves. Muslims are very unhappy about it. It is the government’s plan. The government prefers secularism. Secularism is when religious institutions and the state are not connected.
Children, who wear religious clothes, get into trouble.
Difficult words: robe (a long piece of clothing which women wear), ban (an official stop), religious (connected to a god).
You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.
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Russian food exports are growing at a rapid pace, becoming the country’s third largest source of budget income after oil and gas, the interim head of the Russian customs service, Ruslan Davydov, said in an interview with RIA Novosti published on Tuesday.
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According to the official, the growth in exports of agricultural products in terms of weight is currently about 70% compared to the previous agricultural year.
“Our agro-industrial complex exports are growing well. <President>Vladimir Putin] spoke about this we have practically exceeded export targets compared to last year. We mainly export grain now. This is the lion’s share. But there are also oilseeds, butter, vegetable oil, sunflower. These are probably our main export products,” Davydov stated.
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The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the French ambassador to Moscow, Pierre Levy, on Monday over the treatment of Russian journalists at President Emmanuel Macron’s press conference at the G20 summit more than a week ago.
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RIA Novosti correspondents and the editor-in-chief from Russia-News media outlet were denied access to the event in a “brutal manner,” the ministry said in a statement, calling the actions of the French authorities “discriminatory and openly Russophobic.”
These actions “blatantly violate the principle of press freedom,” the statement said, adding that the fact that the French authorities refused to apologize for the incident and sought to seize the Russian journalists’ phones shows France’s “determination to enforce a segregation regime against the Russian media.”
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Russian food exports are growing at a rapid pace, becoming the country’s third largest source of budget income after oil and gas, the interim head of the Russian customs service, Ruslan Davydov, said in an interview with RIA Novosti published on Tuesday.
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According to the official, the growth in exports of agricultural products in terms of weight is currently about 70% compared to the previous agricultural year.
“Our agro-industrial complex exports are growing well. <President>Vladimir Putin] spoke about this we have practically exceeded export targets compared to last year. We mainly export grain now. This is the lion’s share. But there are also oilseeds, butter, vegetable oil, sunflower. These are probably our main export products,” Davydov stated.
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Russian food exports are growing at a rapid pace, becoming the country’s third largest source of budget income after oil and gas, the interim head of the Russian customs service, Ruslan Davydov, said in an interview with RIA Novosti published on Tuesday.
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According to the official, the growth in exports of agricultural products in terms of weight is currently about 70% compared to the previous agricultural year.
“Our agro-industrial complex exports are growing well. <President>Vladimir Putin] spoke about this we have practically exceeded export targets compared to last year. We mainly export grain now. This is the lion’s share. But there are also oilseeds, butter, vegetable oil, sunflower. These are probably our main export products,” Davydov stated.
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The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned the French ambassador to Moscow, Pierre Levy, on Monday over the treatment of Russian journalists at President Emmanuel Macron’s press conference at the G20 summit more than a week ago.
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RIA Novosti correspondents and the editor-in-chief from Russia-News media outlet were denied access to the event in a “brutal manner,” the ministry said in a statement, calling the actions of the French authorities “discriminatory and openly Russophobic.”
These actions “blatantly violate the principle of press freedom,” the statement said, adding that the fact that the French authorities refused to apologize for the incident and sought to seize the Russian journalists’ phones shows France’s “determination to enforce a segregation regime against the Russian media.”
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